Unique Strategies 
for Tailored Results

Dolores Contreras and Anna Encinias

Contreras Law Firm Provides 1,000 Meals to San Diego Families in Need

by | Apr 24, 2020 | Firm News |

With the support of NBC 7 and Telemundo 20, Contreras Law Firm was able to provide 1,000 meals to families in need of food assistance this week through the San Diego Food Bank. COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on many San Diegans since Governor Newsom’s March 19th stay-at-home order was initiated. Nearly 300,000 San Diego County residents have lost jobs because of the pandemic leaving them to rely on government assistance to feed their families. Further the closure of schools have put a strain on those that would normally benefit from the free lunch programs available to children 18 and under.

However, San Diegans have stepped-up and those who do have anything to donate, whether time or funds, seem to be doing so. Contreras Law Firm is so thankful that amid this unprecedented time, it has been able to impact the community in a positive way outside of its typical representation of clients. Shareholders Dolores Contreras and , along with their staff are proud to be among those who have recognized that community outreach is necessary now more than ever. “Our Firm has always had a strong pulse on the community,” says Contreras. “Being able to keep our staff employed was our number one priority. After ensuring this objective was met, we knew that we needed to go beyond our staff and help those outside of our office and within our community.”

Contreras Law Firm continues to serve current clients and engage new clients during this time of unprecedented closures and restrictions. We are able to provide all services virtually so if you are in need of legal assistance, please contact us through our website at contreraslawfirm.com or text us at 619-648-9652. Or, look for our ads on NBC 7 and Telemundo 20. Contreras Law Firm provides clients with creative solutions and assistance in the areas of Family Law, Surrogacy, Bankruptcy, and Civil Litigation. There are no “cookie cutter” cases at Contreras Law; each case has unique facts that need to be assessed from the get-go to create a personalized strategy. You can depend on our attorneys to put in motion the best course of action, giving you the confidence you need especially in times like these when hiring an attorney.

By:  , Esq. CFLS, Shareholder at Contreras Law Firm
