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Dolores Contreras and Anna Encinias

Signs that your marriage may be headed for divorce

On Behalf of | May 3, 2019 | Divorce |

Like most married couples in California or beyond, you and your spouse have likely encountered numerous relationship challenges in your journey together. This is typically true for all spouses, whether they’ve been married only a year or two, or have been together for decades. You might currently be in a situation where you are considering filing for divorce.

Some people go through such times, then decide they’d rather attend marriage counseling or seek some other type of outside support to help them work things out. Others determine their relationships are no longer viable. Many spouses refer to the in-between stage as a sort of marriage limbo. During this phase, you may notice certain issues that keep cropping up in your relationship.

Is there constant tension in your household?

Spouses who divorce often say they knew their relationships were headed in that direction when there was no longer a peaceful atmosphere in their homes. You might not even be angry at your spouse or concerned about a particular problem. Instead, tension may fill the general day-to-day feeling of living together. This is often a sign that a marriage is heading for divorce.

You have stayed for the sake of your children

It can be difficult to balance the roles of parent and spouse. As a parent, you want what is best for your kids. Many California spouses say they stayed in marriages that they knew were not working because, at the time, they thought it was best for their children.

When you think about your own life outside the realm of parenthood, if you often yearn for a lifestyle that is separate from your current spouse, then you may be able to relate to many spouses who ultimately felt they had to choose between staying in a broken relationship simply because they had kids, or getting divorced and helping their children adapt to a new lifestyle.

When one or the other spouse makes a decision

Some people say that, in the end, they felt grateful to their former spouses for having the courage to move forward in life and to file for divorce. Others say they themselves filed divorce petitions after determining that it was the best option in their situations.

Divorce isn’t easy. Depending on your circumstances, it may be downright stressful and emotionally traumatic. If you’ve decided to divorce, it doesn’t necessarily have to ruin your children’s lives or impede your relationships with them. There are many resources available to help you navigate the legal system and to provide encouragement and assistance to your kids to help them cope.
