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for Tailored Results

Dolores Contreras and Anna Encinias

How to improve your divorce experience

On Behalf of | Feb 1, 2016 | Divorce |

People that go through a divorce often emerge exhausted from the experience. They do everything that they can to just make it through with as little pain as possible. Their efforts to limit the potential stress that they feel sometimes do not work as planned, and they find themselves in a very difficult place.

The good news is that there are things that you can do to make your divorce less painful. This posting provides some simple tips that you can use both throughout and after the divorce process.

Understand your situation

What assets do you and your spouse own? Do you have children together? Do you have retirement accounts? Have you accumulated debt during the marriage? Do you know exactly what property you are entitled to during your divorce?

You may know a little about your financial picture, however, you might lack the details necessary to have a comprehensive view of your situation. You need to gather your information in order to ensure you have a complete idea of your specific assets and debts that you and your spouse will need to divide during the divorce.

If you and your spouse have children, custody can, and often does, become one of the most difficult issues to resolve. You should never agree to any custody determinations until you have consulted your attorney. You might be giving your spouse all of the leverage that he or she needs to prevent you from being involved in the child’s life.

Protect your future

The decisions you make now will change your life. Everything that you decide to do as part of your divorce will matter. So many people have gone through a divorce only to realize that they caused themselves serious financial harm that they are unable to reverse. Recovering from these decisions can take several years.

Be sure that you understand the financial impact of the moves that you are making. If you find yourself making decisions simply to get the matter over with, you are making these choices for the wrong reasons.

Talk to an attorney

You might think that you know everything that there is to know about what will happen during your divorce. Even if you have been through a divorce in the past, there is no guarantee that things will go according to your plan. At several stages during the divorce process, you will be asked to make important decisions that have a significant impact upon the end result.

The only way that you can be sure that you have a clear understanding of all of your options is to talk to an experienced family law attorney. Your attorney will be able to provide you with a comprehensive review of your case, and will be your advocate throughout the process. It is essential that you have someone focused on your legal needs during your divorce.
