Unique Strategies 
for Tailored Results

Dolores Contreras and Anna Encinias

Skillful Handling Of California Child Relocation Cases

Once there is a child custody order, it can happen that one of the parents may wish to relocate outside of the San Diego area. In many cases, these relocations can interfere with the nonrelocating parent’s rights regarding access to the children. It is the responsibility of the relocating parent to provide ample notice for the nonrelocating parent to respond to the request.

Whether you are the parent who is proposing the relocation or the parent whose relationship with the children is at risk if the relocation is approved, it is important that you seek the advice of a knowledgeable family law attorney. At Contreras Law Firm, our lawyers have a great deal of experience representing parents on both sides of move-away cases.

Understanding Move-Away Cases In California

Move-away requests refer to a request made by one parent for permission to move his or her children out of state or a considerable distance away from the other parent. Since such a move has the potential to impact the children’s relationship with the other parent, the relocating parent must have the approval of either the nonrelocating parent or the court. Some of the reasons why a parent may need to relocate include:

  • Seeking new career opportunities in another city or state
  • Continuing with his or her education, or the education of the child
  • Wanting to move closer to family members
  • Remarriage

If you are the relocating parent and the court denies your move-away request, you may move across the country without your children and will no longer get to see them every day. If you are the nonrelocating parent and the court approves the move, you may only see your children a handful of times each year.

These situations require a thorough understanding of California family law to understand the best approach to take in your case. We understand that move-away requests have a severe impact on the children and the parents, which is why it is important to have attorneys who are committed to protecting your rights and preserving your critical parent-child relationships.

Discuss Your Move-Away Concerns With Experienced Family Law Attorneys

To meet with a member of our team to discuss the impact of relocation on your child custody agreement, call our office today at 619-908-1495 or send us an email to arrange your free consultation.