Unique Strategies 
for Tailored Results

Dolores Contreras and Anna Encinias

Is Legal Separation Right For You? Learn More About Your Options.

California law allows a couple to end a marriage through divorce, annulment or legal separation. Divorce and annulment involve terminating the marriage, while legal separation allows a couple to remain married, but simply to separate for a period of time. Legal separation can often be a good option for couples who do not know if they want a permanent divorce, with the provisions of a divorce in place.

At Contreras Law Firm in San Diego, our experienced family law attorneys can help you understand the different options and advise you on which might be the best choice for your circumstances. We will explain how a legal separation would work in your situation and assist you with all aspects of the process.

The Advantages Of A Legal Separation

Divorce is not the answer for everyone, even if you and your spouse decide that you no longer wish to be married. There may be particular reasons that make a legal separation the best choice for you and your family, including:

  • Divorce may be against you or your spouse’s religion.
  • Couples need to remain married for financial reasons.
  • Medical issues may require the parties to stay together for insurance purposes.

By opting for a legal separation, you and your spouse may have more control over the process than you would if you decided to divorce. The court will issue orders for property division, custody and visitation, child support and spousal support and any other orders it deems appropriate for the duration of your separation, and these orders are much timelier than they would be in a divorce.

If you feel that legal separation may be in your best interests, you should consult our experienced family law attorneys to understand more about your options. We can assist you in drafting the separation documents and work to ensure that your interests are protected to the fullest possible extent throughout your case.

Meet With A Member Of Our Team

To arrange your free consultation with one of our lawyers, call our office at 619-908-1495 or send us an email. We can help you evaluate your options to decide what is best for the future of your marriage.