Helping Families Enforce Child Custody And Support Orders
Enforcement of divorce orders can be frustrating, especially if problems develop months or years after the divorce is finalized. The last thing you want to do after a divorce is spend months in family court again. However, the enforcement of child support orders will make your life and your child’s life easier in many situations and can ensure that your former spouse is held accountable for his or her actions.
If you are seeking to enforce an existing order, you may need to contact an experienced family law attorney. At Contreras Law Firm in San Diego, we have successfully represented clients in a wide array of post-divorce modifications and custody or support enforcement matters.
Enforcement Child Support Orders
In cases involving child support, the paying parent sometimes does not have the money to make the payments or may simply choose to ignore the order. Courts are especially stringent on going after back child support from parents who have not paid for years. Enforcement can also occur with regard to alimony payments.
When one party flagrantly disregards a child custody or child support agreement, the other party is entitled to enforce the provisions of the agreement through a court order. This may lead to increased support in some cases.
Learn More About Your Enforcement Options
The lawyers at Contreras Law Firm have experience in all types of California family law matters and can assist you in drafting and serving the necessary documents. Call us today at 619-908-1495 or send us an email to schedule your free consultation.